About the School
As a Lionheart school, we believe that ‘ANY young person from ANY background deserves an EQUAL chance to be successful in whatever they do’. Every child and adult at Newhall Junior School is encouraged to reach their full potential regardless of their background.
Our mission is to provide an exceptional education where children are valued, where their needs and interests are catered for and where they can flourish, exploring a rich, broad curriculum and range of life experiences.
Our intent for pupils is clear:
- To be happy and healthy
- Be language rich
- Have lots of different learning experiences
- Know how you learn
- Be positive people
Our Aims & Values:
- To ensure that the pupil is at the centre of each and every decision made.
- To prepare children, intellectually, socially and morally for life in modern day Britain.
- Each and every child deserves a world-class education.
- Be language rich.
- Have lots of different experiences.
- Be happy and healthy.
- To know how we learn.
- To ensure that the school is positive in its approaches (we are a THRIVE school); relationships, self- confidence and self-regulation lead to achievement for all pupils and staff... BE POSITIVE PEOPLE.
- All staff acknowledge that ever improving skills, through continued professional learning, dedication and commitment to their role, are key to raising standards.
- All staff are committed to addressing the individual needs of the pupils, regardless of circumstance.
- Those working with children are accountable for their outcomes, at all levels.
- All those working within the school have only the highest expectations of themselves, those they work with and serve.
- All parties involved in the school seek to create solutions and not problems; they do not look for flaws, but improvements.
- Parents and pupils have a ‘voice’ within the school; their opinions are highly valued and where appropriate act as a foundation for improvement.
Teaching and Learning:
As a school in the Lionheart Educational Trust, we follow Trust-wide teaching and learning principals.
These can be viewed here