Uniform is worn at Newhall Junior School to develop a sense of pride in being a member of the school community. The Governing Body has agreed the uniform in consultation with pupils and parents/carers.School Uniform
- Red jumper or cardigan;
- Red or white polo shirt, blouse or shirt;
- Black or grey skirt, trousers or shorts (leggings or black jeans are not allowed);
- Red and white checked dress;
- Black school shoes (trainers are not school uniform);
- Red reading bag- this is issued, free of charge, to all new Y3 pupils.
- We recommend that all children bring an apron or old shirt to keep in school, to wear over their uniform during art and craft lessons.
Uniform can be purchased from Schoolwear Solutions by Morleys, 446, Nottingham Road, Chaddesden Road, Derby. DE21 6PE. Tel: 01332 281311
- P.E trainers;
- Plimsolls for gymnastics;
- P.E white or red t-shirt;
- P.E black or red jumper/hoodie.
- P.E black shorts;
- P.E black jogging bottoms.
- All watches must be removed for physical education and other related activities.
- Since removal of ear studs can be a problem for some children, we ask that children leave these items at home on the days when PE takes place. If a pupil does come to school with ear studs in on a PE lesson day, and they are unable to remove the studs themselves, they will not be permitted to participate in the PE lesson.
- Those children with long hair need to provide a suitable way of securing it for the duration of the lesson.
- Please note that jewellery is NOT permitted for Health & Safety reasons.
- If your child has pierced ears, small studs are allowed.
- However these MUST be removed by the child for PE and swimming.
- Make-up and nail polish is not considered appropriate for school.
Please ensure that all items of uniform, PE kit and outdoor clothing (eg. coats, gloves, etc) are clearly labelled with your child’s name, so that owners can be easily identified if items are misplaced.
We trust that parents & carers will engage with the school and support us in ensuring children wear a smart uniform.