November 07, 2024

Newhall celebrates Black History Month
Throughout October, pupils from each year group at Newhall Junior School enjoyed engaging with Black History Month.This annual event celebrates the contributions individuals of African and Caribbean descent have made to British history and society.
All week our children had the opportunity to expand their knowledge in dedicated reading lessons, in which they produced a piece of artwork that reflected their learning.
Those in Year 3 learned about Rosa Parks and the pivotal role she played in the Montgomery Bus Boycott, and her courageous stand against racial injustice.
Year 4 pupils had a fantastic time diving into the inspirational story of Barack Obama, who became the first African-American president in US history. The learning was a brilliant conclusion to their studies on the Americas.
Year 5 produced some thoughtful artwork based on Katherine Johnson, the first black woman to work for NASA. Meanwhile, our Year 6s learned about Walter Tull, who was the first black footballer to play for England and also the first black army officer in World War One.
An informative and enjoyable week that educated our pupils about an important issue in our society.