February 06, 2025

Pupils Champion Sustainability: From Water Conservation to Tree Planting
Our Year 4 pupils have enjoyed learning all about living things this term and, most importantly, the steps they can take to protect them from potential danger.Children were visited by representatives from Severn Trent Water, who delivered a fascinating assembly about the water cycle and provided tips on how to conserve water.
Building on their learning, pupils also collaborated with the Parklife Team at Derbyshire County Council and, together, they planted a variety of trees in Newhall Park.
Like an episode of Garden Rescue, the children enjoyed getting hands-on and playing their part in protecting the future of the park.
To conclude their learning, pupils penned persuasive letters to Mrs Weaver, encouraging her to make our new school building as plastic-free as possible.
It was an engaging and enriching experience. The children showed great enthusiasm and enjoyed playing their part in promoting sustainability within the school and the wider community.