October 13, 2024

Year 6 pupils amazed by Exotic Animals and Amazonian artefacts
Newhall Junior School was invaded by a host of exotic animals and creepy-crawlies recently, as the Rainforest Roadshow – and some of their little friends – came to visit the Year 6 children.As part of their Geography unit on South America and The Amazon, children were able to handle a host of animals and insects, including scorpions, tarantulas, leaf insects and a giant millipede.
Visitors Dave and Sue also spoke in depth about South America and showed the children a selection of real-life artifacts and photographs which they had taken. Pupils were also awestruck when the pair then brought out an authentic Amazonian blowgun!
Not only was the interactive experience highly entertaining and engaging, but it allowed our children to consolidate their understanding about the key aspects of the topic. They were able to expand upon their knowledge of South American wildlife, the local inhabitants, the climate and the city of Manaus.
We are incredibly grateful to Dave and Sue from the Rainforest Roadshow for coming into our school to speak to our pupils.